Holiday destination in Greece

Holiday destination in Greece: Already for years many people go on holiday to Greece. For most holidaymakers sun, sea and beach are at the top of their wish list. But Greece offers much more than just that. It is a country with impressive coastlines, a diverse culture, beautiful beaches, friendly people, great food and a

Fitcation on Crete Greece

Fitcation on Crete Greece: Fitcations are holidays based on physical health and being active. It is one of the fastest growing travel trends. Doing nothing at all during a vacation is no longer of this time. People have less time for themselves in daily life and want to do something about it during a vacation.

September holiday on Crete

September holiday on Crete: September is a great month to travel. The hustle and bustle of the summer months is over, and the temperature is still quite pleasant in most countries of Southern Europe. The peak period of summer in Greece is over while the temperature is still like summer. The most southern areas are